Monday 11 July 2016

5 ways to make yourself mentally strong:

  1. Play great ventures in your life:

Yeh! I know you’re thinking how that is possible. Let me explain, normally we are afraid of loss, for example you are going to invest your money in any business, there are always two possibilities you will drown or you will be shining star of the future. But initially you have to be very strong to face any kind of situation. It does not matter what happens next. At the end of the day you will find a positive change in yourself. Therefore, till then you will not try such adventures in your life, you will not be able to in-list yourself in strong people.

  1. Spend Independent life:

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better”

Albert Camus

This is the most common characteristic of the strongest people of the world. Because, when you depend on somebody, you will be safe from any hurdle of the life behind the shadow of your loved ones. Therefore get out of your secure zone and face the tragedies directly. Find out solution of every problem by yourself, initially you might feel you are wrong. But with the passage of time your decisions will make you a perfect and strong man. Because some days you just have to create your own Sunshine.

  1. Act positive:

Be great in Act, as you have been in thought,

William Shakespeare.

Life is a combination of happiness and sadness. There is no one out there who spent a life like an ever green tree. Even World’s richest person faced hurdles in life. Everybody have a reaction when something bad happened in their lives. Now question is how to react when you have same condition? Answer is act positive, and move forward. Life never stops anywhere for anyone. Steve jobs life is an example, he faced tragedies from childhood. But you can see how he learned from his life. You need to think, everything happening around is for good sake. May be at the moment it looks like nothing happening in your favor but time will prove it.

  1. Don’t be emotional be logical:

Very well said by Zig Ziglar:

“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.”

You know what; this whole world is based on logics not emotions. All rules of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology etc. are based on logic. Emotional person have a lot of attachments which makes him weaker that’s why he can never think like a realistic person. To explain above I would like to take an example, If a person betrays you and he was very closed to you, now if you’re logical person you will forget him and move forward, but on the other side if you’re emotional you will get depressed and you may stop there as if he can back to you. And amazing thing is emotional people will talk about him abusively. Therefore, you need to understand if you are logical you will keep moving, but in other case you will not. If you want strong internally you need to be logical not emotional.

  1. Compete with high profile people:

If you want to lose a game, no effort required for this. But if you want to win a game you have to work hard and fight with the most competent people. You need to take pain to check your abilities. But weak people normally away from the stage, they always try to find a space at the end the class, which makes them un-prominent and unimportant. World always follows them, who are strong in there beliefs. If you want to make yourself strong, then you have to compete with bests of the world. It doesn’t matter what will be result. But at the end you will be the winner if you keep trying.

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Friday 8 July 2016

5 ways to spend a happy life
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
Oprah Winfrey
 It’s a human nature that he demands more and more in life. And those who have no control on their wishes will never be happy. There is a way to overcome this problem, if you look around, you may find some people with better status than you and there would be some people around you who are struggling for their basic needs like food, clean water, shelter etc. I had seen many disable people in my life and they are happier than us. Go and meet with them and ask the secret of happy life. You will find that they are acting same as like Oprah Winfrey said in above mentioned quote.
Don’t be jealous on what others have, because comparison is the thief of joy. Let’s try to act happy in someone’s success. You will feel internally comfortable and better. Successful people always remain calm and happy on what they have.   

2. Serve yourself for others:
Work and live to serve others, to leave the world a little better than you found it and garner for yourself as much peace of mind as you can. This is happiness.
(David Sarnoff)
World no doubt is developing rapidly, but no one can deny this fact that our comfort is actually inversely proportional to it. Serving yourself for others is a frame of thought which is likely to build from childhood. A famous social worker Abdul sattar Edhi one told that” In childhood my mother gives me daily 2 rupees when I was in school, and she always odder me to serve one rupee to needy and one rupee is for you”. Now, he is owner of one the largest social network. Therefore if you want to establish such characters, you have to create these kinds of thought in children’s. But for sure you will be internally satisfied in entire life.

3. Spend time with your loved ones:
There is nothing in this world costs more than your time. In the happiest and saddest times, we want company of our loved ones.  And there are many other examples when you won’t be happy without your beloved ones. I have seen people, they have everything in their life. But their children’s life gets worst which caused a constant pain, and they lost their comfort.  That happened because they never spent their times with their children’s. Invest your time for your dearest ones, will help you in present and future. So start to spend your time with them, it will bring a great satisfaction in your life. 

4. Exercise and healthy activity:
Confidence is very important and basic requirement for comfort in your life. And it’s directly linked with your physical health. If you are physically fit than you will be safe from any disease. You just need to exercise thirty to forty minutes daily. Make a timetable and spend your life according to that particular schedule. You will feel easy and it makes noticeable improvement in your life. In this way you deal with every matter of your life. This exercise will give you ease and comfort. 

5. Work hard to achieve your aims:
It’s a common experience, if you spent your day doing nothing you will be uncomfortable at night. But if you did hard work all the day you will be easy at the night. In addition hard work to make you dreams true will make you happy and satisfied. All the successful people in this world tried hard to achieve their goals. They have common habit to make every day important. Don’t waste you single minute and make your time worthfull. It’s another best way to make yourself internally happy comfortable.  
And don’t forget this quote:
“Work hard in silence; let your success be your noise”
Frank Ocean 
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